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Glimpse of Jay's answer page 2 (144)

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about lmao
Almost make me wanna say #GodIsAWoman   reply
13 06,2021
I'm gonna sit this one out   reply
11 06,2021
-1/10 because they let the dog die   1 reply
13 06,2021
about question
Tf? Where did you hear that from? "The boyz"???   reply
16 07,2021
No darling, you're not that important   1 reply
30 06,2021
Glimpse of Jay
29 06,2021
"Haha babe, you're so silly I could just eat you right up"   reply
29 06,2021
about question
13 06,2021
about question
Well, would you take a look at that title   1 reply
12 06,2021
Glimpse of Jay
18 06,2021
I thought we already went through this   reply
18 06,2021
The night my mom received an email with my grades   1 reply
29 06,2021
about question
Annoying ass love interests. At this point... it's not jealousy, it's hatred   1 reply
30 06,2021
It's all fun and games until they sneak up behind you   1 reply
28 06,2021
Fake scenarios   reply
07 06,2021
about question
I must admit, the pics in your album are weird but not enough to send death threats   reply
16 07,2021
Thanks. At least you tried   reply
16 07,2021
Glimpse of Jay
17 06,2021
Hakken Ryou   3 reply
17 06,2021
about crying
There are minors here   reply
19 06,2021
I told that mf to forward the message to 18 people   reply
01 07,2021
about question
Don't know what's happening to her but I really don't care   reply
16 06,2021