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JIN SAKAI's answer page 1 (79)

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Idgaf if he killed half the population   6 reply
18 days
about question
Aint reading allat but rape is bad   3 reply
05 04,2024
Blocking them isnt gonna do anything to the people of gaza. No ones feelings hurt. The people doing it probably dont do shit to help gaza(money wise)   3 reply
12 05,2024
about question
this is how yall coming out in ur responses u horny ass mfs   5 reply
8 days
about eat ass
JIN SAKAI 07 04,2024
Incest/minor&adult/overly sexualized bodies is some bullshit. Really dont like seeing theses in BL ruins my passion for the character(s)   1 reply
07 04,2024
about question
This story abt a guy dating a girl eventually gets cheated on and woke up with a vag on his stomach and the girl and her other boyfriend f-ed him sooner or later he had more vags everytime he slept and it looked disgusting   9 reply
23 07,2023
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Started quarantine era so 4 years   reply
13 04,2024
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Maid sama and back street girls im gonna be considered weird for this   7 reply
16 04,2024
No idgaf if theres a gojo fangirl ik they wild and if there is a makima fanboy i also know they nasty freaks. Personally would square up if i were to encounter them.   reply
19 days
No they are weird for me. Literally means rotten girl   2 reply
20 03,2024
about question
Do you mean a french kiss? I tried it on my pillow its not so bad   2 reply
11 04,2024
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Tragic story that makes you reconsider reading it   1 reply
05 05,2024
JIN SAKAI 15 02,2024
I wanna fuck you in the ass and tickle you inside out I want to stretch open your hole Doing gallop dances on it (Yes I said that to my brodef not gay)   6 reply
15 02,2024
about question
None, I like to be kept clean and dont wanna get caught   2 reply
24 days
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Beginning of middle school so i can change all the cringy shit i did and said   1 reply
02 04,2024
Its so funny people saying yes yet she wont reply to you guys   1 reply
04 02,2024
JIN SAKAI 25 07,2023
Im the buff dude   reply
25 07,2023
about question
This is so funny reading something that makes no sense   reply
27 01,2024