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telecomscammer's answer (11)

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this take has so much grey area and isnt limited to this point but religions were created bc we fear death. I was a strong believer once btw.   5 reply
15 hours
I agree. It really just enforces lateral violence, making both the ML, but moreso the third-party/rival uke seem pathetic when (more often than not) they are just misunderstood. It's degrading and just boring sometimes. Especially when the seme operates on half a brain cell, like I know dam well he is NOT worth the grief some of these ukes face. Of......   reply
2 days
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ones w kids   1 reply
29 03,2024
that song off beastars by YOASOBI   reply
07 05,2024
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Nah fr. Some of the comments and forums on this site bro   1 reply
21 08,2023
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everyones chill about it cus their target audience is more often than not teenagers. (unfortunately) its common, but by no means normal. its not jus bl authors either bro. shits commonplace everywhere.   1 reply
30 04,2024
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ian no expert but dawg.. this shit aint it yall both toxic bro. he sounds ratty but u calling him a frog is jus u drinking poison and waiting for him to die. leave his ass girl. dont let ur first love (better yet, anything) stop u from finding happiness.   1 reply
30 04,2024
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nah fuck all that. bring back shame   reply
13 04,2024
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I feel like a day with this man would change the trajectory of my life forever. Bros just real.   1 reply
3 days
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u jus gotta let time do its thang friend️ ive been putting off the final season for this exact reason tho I find talking to someone who's just as passionate as u about the series helps! makes u feel like u aint alone in the pain fr   1 reply
3 days