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Beanz_The_Cat's answer page 2 (34)

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I was blushing throughout the whole thing, i didn't realize that they were going to have sex, cause me friend said there wasn't any(liar -_-), and i was also scared that someone was gonna see it. But now i read it everywhere and anywhere ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
22 01,2017
Blood bank ヾ(☆▽☆)   1 reply
22 01,2017
Well, gay marriage was legalised in 2012. A lot of the people who live here are mostly tolerant, but there are some(most of them in my town) who are racist homophobic pieces of shit. And most of the people at my school are accepting!!   2 reply
22 01,2017
yaoi, but i don't mind reading Yuri. Although i prefer Shoujo Ai.   reply
14 04,2017
I don't mind gay romance, most of my friends are in the LGBTQ+ community, and I also have a girlfriend. I do know that my friend(straight) supports LGBTQ+ but he doesn't like yaoi or yuri.   reply
14 04,2017
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!!! So imma just do my top 5. In no particular order VictorxYuuri OtabekxYurio NezumixShion SakixShinomiya SuguroxRin And so many moreヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
14 04,2017
My parents would be disgusted, tell me to stop wasting my time reading this kind of stuff and focus on my grades. And my mum would probably be even more disappointed in me. +they are both homophobic (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
14 04,2017
I'm a beta. What was that again?? I only really know Alpha and Omega, since they are most commonly used in A/B/O verse.   reply
11 06,2017
Versatile, but leaning more towards uke xD   reply
11 06,2017
about penpals
Line ID: reissellyven Please add me ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
09 01,2018
Line ID: reissellyven Please add me! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
09 01,2018
Issit alright if I add you? OwO my ID is reissellyven   1 reply
09 01,2018
Very, VERY dominant XD I am in a relationship, and am definitely the dominant one, and me partner is a submissive type XD Also ideal partner....idk XD As long as I like them, and they like me then they are my ideal uwu   1 reply
09 01,2018
about penpals
Heiiii!!!! I'm 15 and from Denmark!! I've been reading yaoi since I was 12, and I like anime and normal manga as well!!!! I'm open to talk about anything and everything, and would love to have some others to talk about Yaoi with, hehe. I hope you will add me ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
09 01,2018