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Oh Lin Sehunnian's answer page 2 (92)

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I'm Like Voldemort, I fear death.   1 reply
18 06,2017
23 04,2021
I’m straight and has never been discriminated by system for being straight. I can be accepted to army, adopt more easily and donate blood. Straight people are not oppressed and if they feel oppressed because of non straight people calling the ‘straggots’ or ‘breeders’ , it just show how privileged they are that they can be offended at the......   reply
25 01,2021
It’s not about romanticization of these themes. Tbh People have their own interest. For example, you might like shooting things up in GTA or whatever. These works are meant as Entertainment and they continue bc they have an audience! But People who actually have brains know that fiction and reality is seperated. Just bc People love gore in movie......   reply
28 06,2020
Hmm I thought about something with clay pottery since you have to take your time molding the clay to your liking :D   2 reply
13 05,2020
Buddhist ~ kinda religious in my beliefs but I don’t pray often? Lmao I’m just too lazy   reply
26 11,2020
What if the animal fuck you tho, hmmm since you’re the one receiving and if you give it ‘consent’ , would that count? Not a zoophilia fan, just wondering about questions of life   4 reply
01 05,2021
My dilf and milf who are married uwu   reply
23 04,2021
No, it’s not. People have their own kinks. It’s the same as having a movie genre preferences. You wouldn’t like war in real life cause it’s bad, but you would love watching war movies Same as that, I love non con stories, shotoa stories. I do not support it in real life Fiction is Fiction and it should be free You can be disgusted by the id......   1 reply
15 10,2018
about question
With yellow roots, rip I need to bleach my hair and get a haircut   reply
16 04,2021
Chains and Collars   reply
11 01,2017
Orc’s Bride, I have no problem with Non con, shotacon or whump but that was just didn’t sit right with me, maybe bc of the bad ending :/   reply
28 01,2021
about question
I don’t think it’s that bad? Hes a very likable character and liking him doesn’t exactly mean in a bad way   2 reply
01 06,2021
about question
Is this even possible are ppl flexible enough to do this   3 reply
29 03,2024
Oh Lin Sehunnian
13 02,2021
I’m not sexually attracted to gay men tho, I just read it bc I like it, I don’t like mlw bc I always end up comparing myself with the female characters and I cant fully enjoy a story as an spectator. I don’t fap to yaoi either like ?? I agree with some of the stuff but a lot of ppl I know, and from my country, actually became non homophobic a......   2 reply
13 02,2021
We don’t have surnames in our country   reply
21 07,2021
I think it’s okay since the other two are fine with it since they are otaku themselves too, irl unless they say explicitly that it’s uncomfortable for them, you can just ship for fun. I mean I don’t mind if my bf do the same lol, In the end, it depends on your relationship dynamics. We can all have a little fun in things I think   reply
25 11,2020
about question
Yes, absolutely, I too came from a religious + conservative household and physical punishment weren’t that uncommon. I also suffer from some mental trauma from the parenting style. Choking someone can be fatal and you can’t even call it discipline anymore, it’s straight up abuse. You were lucky this time but you don’t know when your mother......   1 reply
30 06,2021
Ppl who shame others who real BL/mlm like ?? Everything has a target audience ? Just because I enjoy reading yaoi in my private time doesn’t mean I go thirsting about every mlm that I see. Just like a kink doesn’t determine your personality and actions   1 reply
24 01,2021