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Baldstarion's answer page 4 (992)

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about question
better than belittling others or harming them. i dont expect everyone to support everything about me, i just want to be treated with respect as a fellow human being even if im a bit different   1 reply
10 06,2021
ur friend mustve been thinking of vaginas A LOT for him to come up with that conclusion. cant blame him though   1 reply
25 04,2021
"you shouldve pulled out, pa"   reply
21 04,2021
about drawing
Not anymore. I used to enjoy drawing so much that I would do it until my wrist hurts. But now, I feel shitty every time I get the urge to draw.   1 reply
14 01,2021
about question
  6 reply
02 12,2023
about question
i assume you're having a bad day but you cant just blame a whole group of people, we dont need another hitler who happens to read mangas and shit   reply
04 05,2021
about question
kpop fandom is basically a cult. theyre like mha stans but worse cause they obssess over real people   reply
27 05,2021
wdym, hand/feet kinks are pretty tame compared to piss kink and others out there lol   reply
10 06,2021
the side characters in one punch man are more detailed and attractive than the main character and it's actually hilarious   1 reply
17 05,2021
i- booger in ur mouth? i'd rather become a virgin forever than experience that   reply
09 03,2021
about question
this made my gay heart beat fast for awhile others:   4 reply
07 05,2021
about question
i was attracted to this girl until i found out she was my 3rd cousin   reply
29 05,2021
about question
as you should. you're 14 talking about fetishists in a daily basis like you're guilty about it. we get it, no human wants to be fetishized but it gets annoying when its the only thing you're constantly talking about.   reply
31 05,2021
"how are you going to have friends if you're afraid to go out" technology exists, i can just buy a friend online if i want to tf   2 reply
05 06,2021
i have a friend that ships dream and george and even calls them "top" and "bottom". she even sent me this meme. i love her but girl, this aint it   4 reply
29 05,2021
hanji x pieck. do i even have to explain myself   reply
11 05,2021
about question
bertholdt!!! this dude wanted to abort the mission but big tiddy breiner said no, his death devastated me so much. he's so fucking underrated it hurts. edit: i meant big tiddy braun, my dumbass mixed his first and last name   3 reply
30 05,2021
i stan a pretty woman who stands up for what's right and isn't afraid to speak her mind   2 reply
20 05,2021