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Chicken_Boi's answer (19)

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What the actual fuck!?!?!? Delete this and never show ur face again   reply
18 08,2023
about lmao
Okay same, i was reading it and another one of my friends reads it too and me and her were just like talking about it, like wtf do the jinx defenders be on??? Me and my friend literally read Jinx and like how do they think hes like alr in the head??? If he was ugly or something they wouldnt support him but if hes like okay looking they would like w......   reply
31 07,2023
about have sex
What the actual fuck!? Im disappointed in this world pls get therapy or something its never too late to delete this   2 reply
18 08,2023
For knowing a lot of people and being the main person to try to get this kid expelled cause he was caught by a few people taking pics of girls while they were in the bathroom and touching girls inappropriately. Im also infamous for having a small store in my locker where people could buy stuff out of ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   reply
31 07,2023
about worst sin
This was a few years ago but i was at a Minecraft convention and i walked up on the stage to like talk to like a YouTuber idk but i tripped face first on the ground IN FRONT OF LIKE A FEW HUNDRED I WAS DEAD then i got up and walked out like i was never there but i think the thing was recorded and put on youtube or something   reply
30 07,2023
20 08,2023
You need therap… go outside or something   reply
20 08,2023
Bro what all I did was watch the entire twilight series with friends in a class and like sound was blasting, oh wait well one time climbed on top of one of roofs of a classroom somehow and jumped off in front of alike 40 people and i got hurt real bad. Idk why i did it tho (this do be in school tho) i do be scared of the teachers, in public its a w......   reply
30 07,2023
I had 106 but i cleaned it a few days cause my phone was too laggy(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 now i have like 16 but like a lot less ig   reply
30 07,2023
Idk how to feel about this ngl   reply
01 08,2023
FUKING MUSHROOMS I HATE MUSHROOMS the texture is just ugh. And the taste is alright but the texture makes me feel like i gotta throw up. I also don't like seafood cause i watched my cousin throw up blood after eating fish and for like shellfish it just feels weird eating them,   reply
07 01,2024
Bro this summer has done stuff to alot of people, its been bad tho like for me i been feeling the same plus i lost some really close friends cause they decided to accuse me of rape(i didn’t do) because the 2 friends are dating and the bf got jealous and accused me when i was out of the country on a family trip. The gf even was going along with it......   1 reply
30 07,2023
Im bored ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
05 08,2023
about question
Come out as gay to my parents ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ also like travel, skydiving, and driving cause i think imma be horrible at driving cause i can barely remember my lefts and rights(⊙…⊙ )   1 reply
31 07,2023
Wait u guys can follow people on here   reply
31 07,2023
Decapacitated cow head on tiktok and some of the stuff on here cause some of you need therapy and my sisters   reply
18 08,2023
01 08,2023
Well i go to a performing arts school so it already weird. But i have caught the same girl having sex twice and other people have also caught her on different times. First time i walked into the bathroom she was having an orgy then the second i caught here in a class doing it with her bf. Then i dont think its like weird but adam Sandler was there ......   1 reply
30 07,2023
People do for some sad reason. Like do the artist gotta spend some much time on like the rape scene?? They sometimes dont even need it and when its needed in like the psychological ones to show that they are recovering or something they only need like a few panels not like the other one where they have like 50 panels. And like those people that fet......   reply
01 08,2023
Im really bored   reply
06 08,2023