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Nixon's answer page 2 (29)

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Misunderstood the question so the long paragraph I just typed out was for nothing..   reply
30 03,2024
Likes: Pickles, spicy food & seafood: I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH JUST MWA. Amazing, ESPECIALLY PICKLES. I don't care about what anybody Dislikes: Pumpkin pie: no words, just disgusting. chocolate: I'm not that fond of chocolate HOWEVER dark chocolate is completely DISGUSTING. I don't understand how Does anybody like it? It's just so bitter. Coffee......   3 reply
27 04,2024
about question
pretty decent somebody do mine!   3 reply
04 03,2024
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This whole list   reply
31 03,2024
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Never heard of this, lemme go look it up rq   1 reply
16 04,2024
Nixon 11 05,2024
Some of mine are taking a min to loud while a few aren't showing just think the website being slow rn   reply
11 05,2024
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Nixon 26 01,2024
Unfortunately people like that exist however if I’m being honest it’s way worse on TikTok especially when you look at the comment section the things I’ve seen people say are beyond wild.   reply
26 01,2024
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I don’t know if I should or shouldn’t tap that twitter link.. Edit: ah it’s a tweet exposing a Minecraft YouTuber named dream, I’m not shocked about it tho.   1 reply
19 12,2023
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Yeah I do it time to time not just with BL tho!   reply
16 04,2024