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mec's question (4)

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about question
And there's a chance that RWBY could become lost media???? Im so sad I grew up on RWBY and RWBY Chibi dude I gotta download both at some point
07 03,2024
about question
mec 27 02,2024
I love seeing pictures on here, you can fight me on that, but I like seeing everyone's creative mess and their personalities shine through when they make them. I found this one and I haven't seen anybody do INE of it yet so yahoo yippee!!!
27 02,2024
about question
mec 27 02,2024
I love seeing pictures on here, you can fight me on that, but I like seeing everyone's creative mess and their personalities shine through when they make them. I found this one and I haven't seen anybody do INE of it yet so yahoo yippee!!!

Found a more diverse picrew (sorry for the one body type that really that pictures have ik its sad)

Also like who gives a fuck if this is "2020/2021" literally just don't comment if u think its outdated. Let people enjoy what they want!!!
27 02,2024
about question
Can you hear music, especially music you've played before, in your head? I've had the Kylo Ren battle part of star wars stuck in my head for like 2 hours now and its like I have headphones in and I'm listening to it. I've been referring it for like 8 weeks now and its my favorite part so it just won't leave (bass clarinet and French horn parts ) I just wanna know if this is a common experience.
27 02,2024