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Nchoii's answer (2)

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really? i think it's cute... especially shounen ai, like when an old guy like in his mid 20-30's and a middle school boy are in love, it's a dif story with smut yaoi tho, i still think it's fine but if it's a really old guy like a granpa and a boy, I'd always feel repulsed... don't take these as offenses ^_^"   1 reply
14 10,2018
Oh I'm fine with it as long as the story lines are good...they are STORIES after all...but there are rape-genre-mangas that I didn't like...and there are ALSO mangas I'd like to read like that manga where the MC is raped by his younger step bro, I really hated that step bro but I want to read and to know how the MC struggles thru his   reply
11 03,2017