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Anczar's answer page 5 (88)

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I get you, for the past 2 years ive been writting my own bl story about a group of students in college. Its not easy, ive been revising the story hundreds of times thinking it never good enough because i wanted it to be one of a kind and not cliche yknow. I sucks at story telling lol   reply
02 02,2020
Is this twisted? When i was in high school i kept thinking bout having sex with myself almost everyday? Im not a narcissist but i wonder because im the only one who know what i like the best so having sex with myself is pretty dank.. like cloning bunch of myself and had a massive me orgy or some shit lol. i think the heat of being a teenager got to......   4 reply
02 05,2017
apparently its baby boy baby evil meme. because i just make a meme. heres the meme lol : clean version if anyone want   1 reply
29 07,2020
Very good topic. Since i started working, i also started buying every book in my wishlist (though its all ebook lol). I think the best way to support them is by buying their works. I mean what else can we do? For webcomic i think its easier to gain traction to their work since it easy access ex pixiv/webtoon. As for the one serialized in magazine n......   1 reply
30 08,2019
*blush* looking around* whisper~* "ermm i used to talk like this for years..." *blush* hide away*commit sewerside* I mean most of us done this right? God this is so fucking cringey. I legit thought i was cute back then   19 reply
18 04,2019
a 2013 emo name: damian age: 17 hobby: listening to mcr, watching johnie guilbert   reply
24 11,2023
about question
Anczar 20 07,2023
sometimes on mangamirror lol . they have pepe, but the comments is...   reply
20 07,2023