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lares's answer (5)

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I find it very weird and disgusting. That is why I stay away from porn and hentai in general, its catered towards the male audience most of the time. Japanese porn is the worst and a whole different topic. And the sad thing is they get actually believe it. The comments under are disgusting. What beautiful attractive young women would be interested ......   1 reply
27 06,2021
about question
umm no i'm paranoid idk who can be a pedo here   reply
10 06,2021
15 06,2021
so this is a trend now?   reply
15 06,2021
29 01,2021
I'm not sure if I have a right to speak on this topic as a bi person but from my perspective I mean what do you expect most of the audience here are females ofc they are going to have internalized misogyny not everyone ofc   2 reply
29 01,2021
here we go again these type of questions always give me a icky feeling stop it its getting weird   reply
27 06,2021