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Ninako's answer page 2 (39)

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They must burn.   reply
11 03,2021
huh. Mob.   reply
17 04,2021
I love him so much-   1 reply
12 02,2021
I only meant to make one...   reply
13 03,2021
about question
25 04,2021
Pretty much—   reply
25 04,2021
about lmao
When I gave my 6th grade crush a LOVE NOTE. It still haunts me   reply
10 08,2023
I tried.   reply
18 02,2021
about crying
I reread all of Jujutsu Kaisen on another manga site and read like 15 fan fictions on Ao3   1 reply
17 03,2021
I’m not gonna say I’m an amazing artist but I like to make sure my pencils at super sharp, and if I’m I'm drawing online I get a thinner brush. Also, try to get good at one thing at a time, like eyes, then mouth and nose, then hair. (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
13 02,2021 and   reply
15 02,2021
I always make mine crying idk why :)   reply
18 03,2021
I’d say no. I do like some villainous characters, like a lot of the ones on this list But ML’s or just MC’s that are really bad just annoy me. Like the ones on this list If they’re rapists I could never like them. Even if they are attractive. Murder�......   reply
09 03,2021
@nikako___   reply
12 02,2021
about question
17 02,2021
Yeah, and he’s planning on going back to Korea apparently.   reply
17 02,2021
My superiority complex :,)   reply
28 02,2021
about question
Through google~   reply
03 03,2021
04 02,2021
I know!! It was so satisfying to watch people expose Yagami Yato on Tik tok and Twitter. LIKE SHE’S SEXUALIZING MINORS IT’S ABOUT TIME SHE’S CANCELLED. ╥﹏╥   reply
04 02,2021
02 03,2021 Or   reply
02 03,2021