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NOT piss , simply water's question page 3 (51)

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about drawing
Can you attach some EASY beginner friendly pics, I'm learning how to draw

Ps we aren't the same person
17 06,2021
about question
Like does anyone not want any advice?? I was spending my whole day there and now I'm bored
Tho there was the yd drama it ended real quick
And these picrew are hijacking the forum more and more
15 07,2021
about question
You woke up from a deep sleep
You saw your pfp sitting besides you with a knife in their hand
18 07,2021
about drawing
It's a rule in my family to start getting mad at every member without even a legit reason and the members have to keep up with it. No complaints allowed.
17 06,2021
about nosebleed
I'm married!!!!
I've found the love of my life <3
Meet my wifey, Rahya
21 07,2021
I'm a bi/pan girl reading mlm, and no I do read other genres. I don't get off to it/fetishize it/ship ppl irl/hate lesbians.
I think I am a fujoshi because fujoshi means a women reading mlm. I don't think it has anything to do with fetishizing mlm.
I read a post somewhere that all fujoshis are messed up in the head (??) or something, which I personally don't .
Is it true? What are your thoughts on this?
Ps please don't judge me because of my username, I couldn't decide of a name and saw someone with the same name on other site, so I thought of naming myself that. And I didn't even knew what a whore was when I made this account. (English isn't my first language and my parents teach me english so I rarely get to know about the cuss words if english)
30 05,2021
So like use this place to look for your s/o
You can post whatever info about yourself you wanna reveal
And post the things you're looking for in the other person
Whoever is interested in you can ask for your permission to dm you in the replies
And you can do the same too if someone catches your attention
20 07,2021
about question
I'm sorry that you have to deal with them :(
But I can be your sister if you want!
Btw where is my alien brother at?
Anyways, I hope you'll have a nice day ahead!!
16 07,2021
You come out of your bathroom after taking a long, satisfying shit. You heard a moan. You look up. You see ppl having a gangbang at your home.
What would u do?
15 07,2021
How're you doing?
I'm not gonna say much today
But just this one thing
I love you!! <3
And you're so so so precious to me
And I hope you'll have a nice day ahead!
20 07,2021