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pyscho.simp's answer page 1 (43)

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dear god if omegaverse was real the amount of rape that would happen, we'd also have like whole new levels of discrimination what with the distinct differentiation in gender and then there's the whole new issue of stereotypical pairings and I can just think of so many other issues with it being real lol e.g workplaces might stop employing omegas ......   2 reply
28 days
about question
pyscho.simp 11 03,2021
When their legs are bent and held up as if they don't have bones that can be broken or limbs   1 reply
11 03,2021
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESNT HAVE BUTHER KNIVES OR A GUN OR A BAT- i have a fruit knife and a normal knife only. Please-   1 reply
07 03,2021
please bestie i didnt realise itd be that bad :/ scarred me for life damn it   1 reply
04 05,2021
about question
BJ alex. I said what I said. There are so many other way better bls with better plot, characters, and development and it's not deserving as the most popular ever BL. It's not a shit read dont get me wrong I don't think it was a waste of my time or anth but its OVERrated. I get why beginners like it tho bc they haven't read anth better lool On ano......   1 reply
9 days
locking me outside in the garden.   reply
13 06,2021
people who say things and they fucking know its rude but they just say it because thats their 'personality' like bitch fix it!!!! being rude is not a personality   1 reply
27 04,2024
i think i used to be obsessed with sth along the lines of blue bird for naruto?? yrs ago tho lol when I was discovering all the haikyuu op songs   1 reply
27 days
bro ur kinda cooked speaking as sm who goes to a high achieving school with an avg of 8/9s these r my advice : for english memorise quotes for ur set texts (as a grade 8/9er I'd say two quotes per theme/character should be manageable for you) and memorise the analysis to go with it eng lang - take a look at ur papers and try to get the gist of t......   1 reply
30 04,2024
man idk the fact that this happened over tuition just seems all a bit dramatic from ur friends - like it wasn;t even abt sth to do with morals if you get me sth like that shouldn't call for a big fallout, or even gossping behind people's back if i were you I wouldn't go, I am a big pushover myself and tbh If I was in ur situation id also wanna go,......   reply
18 04,2024
pyscho.simp 04 03,2021
04 03,2021
pyscho.simp 02 03,2021
02 03,2021
about question
did u clickbait me :// but yeah i completely find it dehumanizing for example when dg gets completely labelled as a 'fountain' i find it so disrespectful and honestly it just shows that the reader didnt rly care abt the plot of the webtoon and rly only payed attention to the sex scenes :| edit: maybe not necessarily 'disrespectful' but i htink yk ......   2 reply
12 06,2021
ahhh your idea is really good and I love the overall story but given that it's so short and you've included so much its a bit of a 4-6/10 I think I mean given you wrote this at 4am it kinda lacks a lot of development like you didn't really give us much and they already became friends and then maybe also going into details about what they did as a......   reply
15 days
hun if ur really worried don't tell us   reply
18 04,2021
about lmao
This happened to me as well on my old account, the comments I'd post would disappear after refreshing the page it was hella annoying bc I didn't even used to do much on Mangago. Best to just make a new account because I never found out why I got restricted lol.   reply
11 days
not really my thought, I dont support ereri but if people ship eren and levi as the adult ship like when eren is over 20 isnt tehcnically the ship not pedo? otherwise if u dislike the ship thats just u saying no to their ag-gap then? idk i don't support ereri though so yeh...   1 reply
18 04,2021
07 03,2021
about lmao
edit: OMG I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABT THIS OTHER DREAM - i was kissing a friend of mine at her house on the sofa (who I had questions abt at the time, whether I liked her in a crush way or like platonic crush way), and she turned into a white man in the middle of the (raunchy   reply
12 days