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Scout's answer page 4 (521)

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Those who cannot put their religion away to make decisions that might go against their beliefs should not be able to hold positions in office, be law makers, hold positions in law enforcement, be social workers, or work in any medical....   1 reply
14 07,2021
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i love found family so much   reply
09 08,2023
My parents wanted to be unique and go against latino tradition and gave me a super short name Anna Maria Luisa de la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe Selena y Los Dinos Tres Mares Rosas Blancas Los Tigeres del Norte Parangaricutirimicuaro Gonzalez-Guzman   reply
23 07,2021
I say yes for the most part. Since you know we're reading about adults here it makes sense that they'd have hair. That being said it really distracting if the mangaka doesn't know how to draw pubic hair lmao. In that case I'd rather not see it. (Reminds me of a hentai scene I had seen a long ass time ago when I was soul searching. The girl char......   1 reply
08 05,2020
I'd just... cease to exist. like sleep with no dream.   reply
21 07,2021
Scout 20 04,2024
if i think about it too much ill actually cry lol   reply
20 04,2024
Me currently   1 reply
12 07,2021
There isn't anything wrong as long as its fictional characters and not a minor and an adult imo. You don't have to like a ship, you can hate it. I personally think bkdk is toxic AF but there isn't anything morally wrong with it. Just blacklist it and move on with your life. Just be aware that some ships could be upsetting to people and be mindful ......   reply
23 09,2020
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Scout 18 07,2023
It feels good to be home.... Welcome back guys :')   1 reply
18 07,2023
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one of my step brothers got his kids taken from him last month because he and his wife cant hold down proper jobs and got arrested for stealing from the mall. they left the kids home alone, oldest is 8, and none of the goods stolen were for the kids it was all shit they hoped to sell online. i asked where they were at dinner but everyone said they ......   reply
29 09,2023
Scout 27 08,2023
idk where you live that its just this easy but people struggle to find jobs mostly because companies are asking for too much i terms of qualifications and they also just don't hire. its a serious problem in retail at least. they're understaffed but management wont hire anyone but they'll keep the now hiring sign up. but also anything that isnt basi......   reply
27 08,2023
Neither is okay wtf?? But to answer your question, the reason why rape in fiction is the worst offender is because in a lot of series that involve sex, rape is romanticized. It's a H U G E problem in all adult romance, but especially BL. In F/M stories it's usually shown as the man taking control of the situation, a complete dom. Like Fifty Shades......   1 reply
04 08,2020
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internalized homophobia and trying to be a straight girl lol i'd pick a boy every once in a while and tell my friends i had a crush on him but it was always a boy way out of my league just to make sure he wouldn't approach me   1 reply
27 09,2023
Scout 16 07,2020
Oh man. okay so the answer isn't as clear cut as we'd like to be. Simple answer: Yes, some of these people were pedos if they married a child and groomed them/ took advantage of them. If you're interested in some history expand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Most of the marriages we hear about where a grown ass man marries a child weren't as sin......   reply
16 07,2020
Look dude I hear you, I really do and I understand your frustrations. I was in a WLW relationship and heard it all, so yea i get it. There is a real problem here with people fetishizing MLM irl. It's terrible and we all need to call that shit out for what it is. The only thing I think you're wrong about is trying to police who can enjoy what conte......   reply
08 06,2020
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i was elvira! i went our saturday instead but the dress was much more revealing than im use to and i was cold af all night   2 reply
31 10,2023
My parents met at a nightclub when they were 15 and had a shotgun wedding... they were not ready to be married or parents   3 reply
30 06,2021
Lmao I do it all the time. They walk into my room and I'm like   2 reply
15 09,2020
Recently I got "wow you're Mexican? I would have never guessed... so you're like really good in bed then?" BITCH WHAT?? Also anything Trump ever said. Also those dumbasses who say they can't wear a mask. Excuse me Karen, but my stage 3 COPD neighbor wears a mask any time he steps out of his door. Your mild asthma ass better be wearing a god damned ......   1 reply
05 07,2020