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sloth's question (12)

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sloth 27 04,2021
Felt tired of people in general? Like all the people? I recently found out that a friend I really like had been talking shit about my back. We have been friends only for a few days. Should I confront them or just cut them off without saying anything?
27 04,2021
about question
for me it's knowing that wonwoo's (from seventeen) dream was to be a university student and the fact that it's someone's dream to be what I am rn sort of motivates me
21 12,2023
about question
sloth 20 04,2021
Hey y'all I recently saw a question about a discord server where you can talk about bl and stuff but I'm assuming it's not open anymore so wanna join my server? If you're interested drop your id down below!
Looking forward to discussing amazing mangas with y'all
20 04,2021
about question
I just saw a really toxic post and I just want to say
YOU ALL ARE VALID AND I LOVE YOU(even if I might not know you personally)
Life might seem hard at times but don't worry because winter always turns to spring!
06 05,2021
sloth 21 02,2021
Recommend me mangas that makes you cry every time.
Mine are-
Life senjou no bokura
Lonely to organdy
21 02,2021
about question
sloth 06 03,2021
I am trying to find a Yaoi manga, I don't remember much details but this one was a sequel and the uke in this story was a seme in the prequel one and had an unrequited love ( and they had sex?I don't remember) for the MC(uke) from that prequel. The seme of this story is a College professor/Asst proff smthg and I also think there is a cat involved (like that cutie cat is a main character throughout this story).
06 03,2021
about lmao
sloth 19 04,2021
Does anyone hear listen to symphonies? Honestly, all the people I know irl are like 'SyMpHoNies iS NoT rEaL MuSIc" so yeah I need more people to appreciate Debussy with me -_-
19 04,2021
sloth 12 07,2021
Sup I'm bored so wanna join my DC server? Drop your tags below if you're interested ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
12 07,2021
about question
sloth 09 03,2021
I came across this channel while watching tiktok memes(screw you tiktok) and it predicted all the celebrity deaths that happened in 2020 way back in 2017. I'm really creeped out. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
09 03,2021
sloth 03 03,2021
Idk what's happening to me, I cry all the time these days and I try to hide this fact so that people around me don't get upset. today my mum scolded me for being too lazy and being on the phone all the time and i said I wasn't feeling well and I burst into tears. The only time I feel alright is when I read comics. Does anyone have any idea why I feel like crying all the time and how I can be okay again?
03 03,2021
sloth 17 12,2023
this probably isn't the right place for this but does anyone cry all the time too? like I've always been a huge crier but I've noticed these patterns where I just start crying over ever minor inconvenience and can't stop.
anyway song recs?
17 12,2023
sloth 22 07,2021
This is a new server that 8 online friends established and setup together after our shared love for anime. It's Ghibli themed BL/GL server, where all the manga lovers gather and have fun. But sadly, we'll only accept members aged 15 and above for certain issues. Have a amazing time here. ⊂((・▽・))⊃ here's the link ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝
22 07,2021