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sloth's answer page 1 (101)

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sloth 14 04,2021
Accurate ig except my hair is a lot more chaotic.   2 reply
14 04,2021
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)   5 reply
09 05,2021
Never. No one has ever liked me and I've never liked anyone that way   reply
15 05,2021
Honest and sincere people. And maybe crybabies too ;---;   1 reply
28 04,2021
warm and big hands, when they blush a lot, a pretty smile, when they're genuinely interested in what I'm saying idk there are too many to count   reply
15 12,2023
definitely jiwon.he treated dg like dogshit and that hoe still went back to him? i could never even if the guy was hot asf but tbf I'd never find a jerk hot in the first place   1 reply
19 12,2023
sloth 17 12,2023
honestly i HATE how incest is so normalised in yaoi now and the uke getting mistreated but still developing feelings for the seme and the seme raping the uke(especially in omegaverse)   1 reply
17 12,2023
about question
sloth 23 07,2021
Imma save my lists this time-   reply
23 07,2021
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jumping off a roof cause I believe I'll grow wings at the very last second   reply
31 07,2023
Well to be quite honest the first few days were the worst but it got better over time since I'm that sort of person. But I'm real grateful that it's back and before it goes down again for real(I hope not though) I'm gonna save my lists. And it's a humble request to people out there who are still spreading this site via mass social media apps (examp......   1 reply
03 04,2021
I'm not southeast Asian but I still love putting soy sauce in everything I eat lol (even pasta)   1 reply
29 04,2021
This is pretty much my face(with the exception of a pimple or two in the awkward places and bad hair) (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
23 02,2021
making everyone believe that I'm a genius when I'm actually dumb asf   2 reply
21 12,2023
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Guess who snagged the second ml ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   1 reply
13 05,2021
sloth 27 04,2021
Hey I just wanted to pop in and say thank you so much for taking this initiative. Things really are bad here. There aren't enough beds, oxygen cylinders and doctors because people are catching Corona so quickly. Earlier today, I read an article about how a man took his 6 months pregnant wife to hospital because she was facing some issues. She was t......   3 reply
27 04,2021
Marry me, sir~   1 reply
16 04,2021
about question
I cut people off when I either start caring too much about them or feel them getting too attached to me and only come back after I'm sure that the connection is gone and make sure keep some distance between us from then on; I think that this might be a sign of some sort abandonment issue or something- that's the second red flag, i overthink and ove......   2 reply
19 12,2023
uh okay-   1 reply
17 04,2021
about question
a fandom by definition is supposed to be a bunch of people who enjoy the same specific thing (could be a movie franchise, a novel, an author, an artist etc) and come together to talk about it and actively support the person creating the specific thing   reply
19 12,2023
sloth 24 02,2021
Pov: you revisit your grave, only to find that someone put a bunch of pinwheels around it   reply
24 02,2021