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Sasha's question page 1 (31)

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^ Something else to do since today has been full of negative energy.
04 06,2021
13 y/o having sex? I am actually worried about yall. Please wait till you are of legal age.
01 06,2021
Thats it,thats the question.
24 05,2021
about eat ass
Show us your type or crushes
28 04,2021
what is something you cant do for someone your age?
06 05,2021
Hello!!! Have you guys listened to Bella poarch new song? If you havent,listen to it real quick and answer or just dont reply anything bc i only want to hear the opinions of those who have heard it and what they think about it.
18 05,2021
The old comments from old mangago being brought back to life is crazy. Does people really say stuffs like that so openly about how they enjoy rape? What do you think about these types of people?
10 05,2021
15 06,2021
Have you ever been to one?
15 06,2021
Whats someone personality that irks you the most. Something that makes you go 'ew,them' when someone mentioned their name.

What kind of personality do they have? Or just a trait you dont like in another person.

Well for me,my friend is a pick me and we all know what pick me's are like.
24 04,2021
17 05,2021
How does one be unproblematic on here
17 05,2021
Im really sorry if i sound rude,im baffled atm. But why do people who lacks reading comprehension have the nerve to act so ignorant when someone tries to explain it?
26 05,2021
I saw someone asked this but i cant find the question anywhere so whats your most liked comment on a manga?
23 05,2021
So i made a post on the questions below topics area and were recommending some cute stories for those who have had enough of reading toxic ones and i got attacked? Ive deleted,it was too excessive but wtf. Maybe i shouldnt have mentioned their fav stories and just quietly recommend stuffs.
19 05,2021
Id like to know everyone opinions. Whats the first thing you notice when you meet someone for the first time? Their body parts,personality maybe?

I cant help but be insecure bc i feel like when someone first see me all they see is one big blob and probably body shames me in their mind :/
27 05,2021
Like do most of yall who spend so much time on here got nothing better to do? If so spare some of yall free time with me so i can get my shit together. I barely have an hour of free time to even read a manga before my mom starts yelling at me to do something 'more productive'.
04 06,2021
Does anyone else do that?

And i feel like i need to mention this before anyone come for my wig,no its not imagining myself as a yaoi character type.Im a lesbian
02 06,2021
about question
16 05,2021
Has it been more peaceful on mangago now a days or is it just me
16 05,2021
Is anyone interested in joining a group chat?

We can talk about anything and be friends,try and be active in it,group chats sometimes die real quick.

Id make it if more than 5 people would like to join! Give me your @ and i'll make it by today (hopefully i dont forget)
08 05,2021
Can yall recommend or just tell me whats the most depressing manga/manhwa youve ever read that you felt empty after reading it. Ect Horizon? im in my feels
31 05,2021
Friend/not friends/just someone you know.
Something you been wanting to say.

U can just ignore my vent,i hate my friends,i dont even think we are,they treat me like an extra luggage,im the extra friend that people talk to when their bestfriend didnt come to school and got ignored the next day.I tried my best but at this point i'd rather be alone.
02 05,2021