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Anyonecrazylikeme's question page 3 (53)

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If u are i def rec Stephanie Soo , she has revealed so many cases to me that are just so dark , bizarre and just traumatising. Btw i discuss about the cases in this gc so if you wanna join -

Like I'm not just advertising for the sake of advertising, i wanna discuss these cases lol. I do frequently there anyway but it would be low-key nice to have other ppl too to discuss it with :)
05 01,2024
about question
Mangagoers gc ( which if u were in, you prob got kicked as some random decided to fuck with the ppl as they were having a giveaway if they reached 300 ppl) they were at 267 ppl or something and now at 20

Something similar happened to this gc last time also, where instead of the members the entire server was purged. So i think one of the old mods snuck in to remove everyone because of the drama from last time as this gc was thriving without em. For back story this is what happened the first time

Like what do y'all think? I think its def related to the old mods as who would do something like this without a reason? Btw if u can..pls do join , this shit just sad
↓(link for gc)
05 01,2024
about question
Like this is an English site right? So why do almost all the latest mangas have random translations in???? Is there a way to report it? What is happening -
27 01,2024
about question
I'd pick one if i didn't get so lost in ur eyes that i dont even realise tf happening
11 12,2023
U make it like this

25 01,2024
about question
Like... What tf u be doin?
06 12,2023
about question
Idk why but they are the most characteristic ppl ever and so entertaining to watch, even in kdrama like sheesh the flair, the drama, the attitude???? Gimme recs (anime, manga ,drama anything) con artist mcs are just built different i swear and there should be MORE of them
25 02,2024
about question
Honto Yajuu

Summary -
[From Baka-Updates]:
Ueda Tomoharu is a cop manning a local koban station, and he’s quite happy with his job and relatively quiet life until he happens to run into yakuza member Gotouda Aki while chasing down an underwear theif…and is suddenly confessed to! Aki doesn’t seem bothered in the least about their ~star-crossed lovers~ status and eagerly dives into a super lovey-dovey relationship with his policeman, but Ueda’s about to find out just how dangerous it can be dating a mobster…in more ways than one.

PC - Now if u guys wanna read a yaoi which has fun , angst , banter then this is def the manga for you. Includes a relationship between a cop and a yazuka ( sounds cheezy but its great and taken in a light-hearted manner) the relationship is so wholesome and both are jealous and possesive in such a way that it just looks and feel right iykwim.

Rating - 10/10 just try it out
09 12,2023
about question
Do u guys think they are into YOU. Cuz as a demisexual this shit wild
10 12,2023
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about question
does anyone rem this manga where this guy is super duper strong for choosing the easy level but then shit happens and he goes back but then chooses the hard level to be stronger
14 01,2024
about question
I still sometimes cant differentiate between the two and get chills. Its gonna take me a while for sure. Tell me I'm not the only one who's uncomfortable:(
04 12,2023
about question
This is kinda a promo and not at the same time cuz i literally got recd stuff so hard without even askin , like my style has evolved so much it aint even a joke. Stuff tgat i was uncomfortable and embarassed over was also answered so clearly that i was just thinking that some of y'all would want that too ngl

So if u wanna come join and wanna say hi , hop in
12 02,2024