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curly's answer page 1 (38)

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I look ugly there's no need to confirm   1 reply
08 03,2021
08 03,2021
you just started a war   reply
08 03,2021
about question
let's take this to the dms   reply
06 03,2021
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I also want mcdonalds   reply
09 03,2021
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06 03,2021
so like straight... but they added super??? ok chief   1 reply
06 03,2021
04 03,2021
the kaeya simping does not stop here teams pfp school account kase from asagao to kase san, only the real ones know   reply
04 03,2021
about question
04 03,2021
already have a gf and it's not you. how nice   reply
04 03,2021
unrealistic but I always think "what if my parents could read my mind" and you can guess I'm thinking some very beidou x ningguang thoughts   reply
04 03,2021
if knights bad why kaeya hot   reply
10 03,2021
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we are not besties   1 reply
04 03,2021
I aspire to be you.. How? How can I become like you?   1 reply
04 03,2021
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dis you?   reply
05 03,2021
05 03,2021
burn   2 reply
05 03,2021
bold of you guys to assume grass wants to touch you.   reply
08 03,2021
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We then develop a sexual relationship for YEARS and it never has ANY romantic development, you meet me on my hospital bed with no sorrow whatsoever and are happy to see me die. I understand this as well and give you one last look in the eye before my final breath "I have one last confession to make" your eyes widen and you nod for me to continue "w......   2 reply
06 03,2021
tsuritama maybe?   reply
10 03,2021
kiss my ass is asian though???   reply
09 03,2021
about question
how does everyone understand what they're saying   reply
10 03,2021
ouran highschool season 2   reply
08 03,2021
04 03,2021
link the bs please   1 reply
04 03,2021