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kuroumi's answer (3)

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Asami..... Asami asami asami ♡♡ He is soooo cool... He is so strong... He is so dark.... He is a sadist who can be very gently... Omg i love him... Ok i like some characters but asami is the winner of my heart.   reply
10 02,2017
Uke... definitly uke... i like to think i'm a neko... please dominate me my dear seme, protect me, hug me, play with me as much as you like ... (^.^)"   2 reply
10 02,2017
I have 3 kids and the oldest one is now 14. She like more romance and it doesn't matter if it's a hetero or a homo love. But if they do more then just holding hands or kissing, she screems and find it disgusting (^.^)" she is still sooo pure. But i show her little by little some of my bl-manga (^.^). Her friends read yaoi (which they can borrow fr......   reply
11 02,2017