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kosmo.dewey's answer page 1 (47)

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Idk if this is true, somebody enlighten me   11 reply
09 12,2023
I procrastinate a lot LIKE A LOT then I regret everything later   reply
04 08,2023
those bitches need to extinct   reply
28 07,2023
people are too comfortable on this site   1 reply
30 07,2023
about lmao
THIS IS SO REAL LMAOOO I remember fighting with Jaekyung deepthroaters on facebook, I expect them to be 13 year olds but NO they're whole functioning grown ass women some of them even have KIDS☠☠☠☠ they're so embrassing   reply
31 07,2023
Pufferfish and Dolphins☠☠   3 reply
22 08,2023
EXO!! became their fan during Wolf era as everyone in my country is wearing the WOLF 88 shirt, proud to say I still have that shirt until now. The reason I stanned them because I feel how genuine they are in their career and the quality of their music. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
08 08,2023
about question
those lowkey inc3st shit where the two mc are not blood related but grew up together as a sibling/sibling figure then they fell inlove with each other or the mc look up to their love interest as older/younger brother/sister☠☠ that shit is so weird   reply
09 08,2023
When mfs project their insecurities onto me like bro do something about that shit I ain't dealing with that   reply
09 01,2024
about question
finally! someone who's relatable and actually stuggling with a realistic problem people will judge us for having a gigantic cock but they never knew what it feels to have a dick that's half of your body weight. Keep fighting, King!   reply
14 08,2023
I feel like my ovaries stopped functioning.   reply
21 09,2023
about question
Every yaoi manhwa that got popular around 2019-2020 I took a break of BL manhwa then I tried to re-read them and that hits me how bad they are   1 reply
16 08,2023
about question
kali uchis telepatia and yarichin b club song☠☠☠   2 reply
09 08,2023
20 08,2023
about question
what   reply
21 09,2023
about lmao
ECCHI! Anything with unecessary fan service, unrealistic big ass boobs, little kids wearing panty shorts and tiny bras, women being blantly objectified in general.   reply
28 08,2023
I'm fucking dying   reply
28 08,2023
RIGHT???? Also when the bottom's first time to do anal and they loved it right away???? people said it takes many times to get used to it like it will take months to actually enjoy bottoming   reply
23 08,2023
exo, svt and newjeans(▰˘◡˘▰)   1 reply
28 07,2023