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Mxyztree's answer (3)

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I'm a 17 almost 18 year old girl. I love quiet places. I love marking my body with tattoos because I feel like if i do that then i can feel at least something close to relief. I don't have life figured out. No one understands me in my family. I also have no friends because I push them away, people annoy me. Nothing special about me. I guess if I h......   5 reply
06 05,2017
Lost. I'm lost. I have no idea what I want for my future. I want a peaceful life but at the same time i want to travel & visit different places. I want to own a bookshop in washington dc but I want to move to london & live there. I want to be able to decide, since i'm an indecisive person.   5 reply
06 05,2017
Recently became a yaoi reader. Age:17, Sex:Female, Ethnicity:Hispanic, Occupation: None, City:Hialeah, Nickname is Didi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
20 02,2017