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Eira's answer page 4 (125)

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“I’m Kira.”   reply
24 07,2021
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die, go jump in a lake   reply
23 05,2021
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29 05,2021
Congrats! Live your life the best!!! We all love you and won’t judge you. So be free and happy!   reply
29 05,2021
he feels satisfied after killinghe cry’s aloud regrets swarming in his mind(sad ending)they both fall in love with each other (happy ending) I’m getting ordered to kill the king but slowly I fall in love realizing either to kill the king or everyone I love dies I killed the young handsome king at the flower yard as I sobbed on top of h......   reply
11 05,2021
12 07,2021
:,( I really was enjoying it until the music was glitching   reply
12 07,2021
Fun fact: small dicks back in the old days were popular and known for beauty or handsome. While big dicks were know as funny looking if u look at sculptures u can see almost all of them have small dicks if u just search up “ Back in the old days man sculptures” u will find these   2 reply
09 07,2021
I- damn I was so close I’m gonna commit   reply
23 06,2021
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I collet manga if I have money-   reply
06 06,2021
Um.... hi I’m new here can you show me- OH SORRY I DROPED MY PEN ;)   1 reply
20 07,2021
I will give you this :)   1 reply
23 07,2021
28 06,2021
My parents are Asian so obviously, my dad is an alcoholic guy and my mom is normal if they did split up my mom wouldn’t want me and my sibling but every time my parents would fight me and my siblings could hear yelling frown downstairs to the point my neighbor called the cops because they saw my dad hit my mom. My younger sister saw when my dad ......   reply
07 07,2021
I hope I look like that when I re-born   reply
25 06,2021
about question
Mines was about shampoo. I really wanted the shampoo   reply
14 05,2021
WTFFF I just searched it up cause my dumb curiosity came over me. I wish I should Of listened to my heart.   reply
05 06,2021
21 07,2021
Are you a fridge? Because I would love to open u up ;) I know we’re not food but I would love to put my hotdog in your buns;) Are you a banana? Because I could peel u open right up.... Maybe you’re chocolate cause you melt in my mouthh....;,) I’m sorry for the bad pick up lines and the cringe   1 reply
12 07,2021