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Deez's answer page 1 (41)

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I don’t think I have any actual unpopular opinions but watching get this many thumbs down was funny lmao honestly tho a lot of bl/yaoi fans can’t stand criticism, they are keyboard warriors   6 reply
26 days
Pedophiles and all the keyboard warriors (loli/shotacon defenders) Or clout chasers. Mangago forums are like a subreddit, except instead of pussy deprived millennial men it’s a bunch of attention starved minors or girls in their twenties using unfunny memes and talking about how much they love (consuming) gay sex…   3 reply
25 11,2023
YO! idc what anyone says but that shit is fun, relating with characters helps me cope and also makes me feel less alone since I’m mental and struggle with shit Anyways here’s a kin wheel thing, if you have a kin list go ahead and fill it out   1 reply
21 01,2024
about question
29 03,2024
White washing is done with racist intent but ”blackwahing” is done because there isn’t enough black representation in media. It’s that simple lol   1 reply
29 03,2024
about dating
27 days
  1 reply
27 days
15 08,2023
Anyone sane wouldn’t like watching kids fuck even if it’s fiction. Stories that fetishize rape, incest or pedophilia are written by authors/consumed by readers that have those fetishes, so literally what is stopping them besides the fucking law. They get off from it which is disgusting. Idk what y’all are on “separating fiction from reality......   1 reply
15 08,2023
about question
It’s normalized, it sucks and people should have better standards for stories (not you, you’re just a weirdo)   reply
04 12,2023
21 01,2024
He/they and I dunno my sexuality but I’ve got a bf, so yknow, probably not straight   reply
21 01,2024
about lmao
It’s weird cause I can honestly never envision myself dating someone significantly younger than me regardless of my age   1 reply
02 08,2023
about question
Money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money mo......   1 reply
10 01,2024
about question
Is someone getting canceled in mangago??? That’s hilarious imagine getting cancelled in an illegal website omfg   2 reply
29 02,2024
Hmm no? There’s like many different type of yaoi and some focus on sex, some don’t but still have it. Yaoi isn’t just unrealistic heteronormative mlm sex lol but I can understand why you wouldn’t want to read it because more than that, a huge problem yaoi has is consent and legality or very very toxic “love” stories.   reply
07 08,2023
about question
Fuck yeaahh I love Roblox im just a squirrel :3   1 reply
18 days
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Based off looks, I felt seen when I saw this guy appear and also be a fudanshi.   reply
20 days
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Dude I have a huge list of anime I watched as a kid (early 2010s) but here are some highlights and a screenshot of said list   reply
10 10,2023
not wrong ,,,, the forums were cringe fests, unfunny memes and bait   reply
22 07,2023
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05 03,2024
Live laugh mitski amirite   1 reply
05 03,2024
Nah everyone has at least one cringe phase, its a canon event   1 reply
23 01,2024
about question
I have too many favs but these hit hard   1 reply
25 08,2023