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Ruru Hikaru's answer (7)

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Pro-choice here~ I mean, if someone is in no condition to take care of the child and if the child existence will caused extreme hardship in both the mom and the child's life with uncertainty of the child future then it is better to never give birth to that child at all. Some may argue, just give birth and give the child for adoption. It is really ......   1 reply
29 09,2020
about question
Is being a slut count? In high school, it was a thing to have close relationship like senior brother or junior brother that was supposed to 'help' you with your studies and school life etc.. Everyone has this kind of relationship and school also encourage this practice.. But I ended up sleeping with my junior and senior brothers. They help me to le......   1 reply
12 04,2021
Ruru Hikaru
27 02,2020
Well Honey~ Truthfully, the taste of male semen is horrible. I had blow few of my ex's already and their taste is different from each other. But the common thing is it tasted horrible. But, it wasn't THAT nasty though.. If you ever accidentally drink expired milk, fear not, it tasted better than that. Personally I think, the taste is close to milks......   reply
27 02,2020
I love seeing people in love. Especially BL. Plus, I found BL is more straight forward and more intense.. I really ship two boys in love~~ :3   reply
29 09,2020
Dramatic Uke... yo, where are you at Sadistic Seme? Apparently I'm the one for you~   reply
04 03,2020
Not a day goes by I didn't think how badly I want to kill myself.   2 reply
09 03,2020
about nicknames
My first name syllable is Ru. So ever since I can remember I was called Ruru. Other times, people call me little sister. I guess because.. I am a girl.. and sister to everyone. Guys look at me like as their sister and girls take care of me like their little sister.. no wonder I forever alone.   reply
02 10,2019