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WildCat's answer page 1 (67)

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about lmao
Oh, picrew from "You but male version"? I felt complicated   reply
03 05,2021
Somehow i felt like i will looks like a villainess, but actually just be a lazy daughter of a baron or something. No hobbies, hate parties, no actual noble worth skill. Probably will be sold off fast to another noble.   2 reply
02 05,2021
about question
You're literally asking to be roasted.... I'm sure there's so many people who more than happy to do so.   reply
28 05,2021
Huh... I don't know about that, it's cute not hot. OCs made with picrew.   1 reply
20 05,2021
"Good morning, y/n-sama. Today too, please allow this humble servant to serve you with your need"   reply
28 05,2021
about question
oh don't worry, I'm happy to brought them with me out of the house   reply
28 05,2021
It's No Use Hanging On. To be honest, I'm usually the type that appreciates what authors and translator had done for us, especially when i didn't pay to read it but this manwha's art is so bad i wanna cry, the art between the promo and the actual story is too disappointing i can't continue. Like, i know the author giving effort but i only can say t......   3 reply
06 07,2021
about question
Most shoujo manga around 2000-2016. Before i like that kind and fluffy, but after i passed my adolescent i hate the type of girl who had always protected by the other male lead, like, BITCH YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF!!! and the type of girl who CAN'T FUCKING CHOOSE BETWEEN 2 OR MORE MALE LEADS   1 reply
06 07,2021
19 09,2023
Why it's so hard for you to adjust a fucking little?! You're not living alone here and you are the one who join us, stop trying to live like a princess! How hard it is to turn the water off?! To hang your laundry a little organized so there's space for others?! How hard it is to actually eat what mom already cook for us?! We're not rich! Far from t......   reply
19 09,2023
28 05,2021
my kitty say hello to ya all.   1 reply
28 05,2021
14 05,2021
14 05,2021
To be honest i'm more of an open person but once i hate something it fall in hate hard in me. I hate : 1. the "I'm so innocent i don't know anything uwu" bullshit 2. harem, especially reverse harem because like, bitch can you just pick one? 3. Too fast and too slow to fall in love 4. Denier like "No,no this feeling is NOT LOVE" i face palm to this.......   1 reply
24 06,2021
i'm more than happy :v   reply
19 07,2021
about lmao
Small detail about me that i have small group of hair that have silverly-white colour since I'm born despite having black jet hair. Doctor said that probably in that area where the hair grow on my head didn't produce pigment that's why it's white not blonde or black.   reply
05 05,2021
Hm... Arstotzka is my parents...? I felt complicated   1 reply
23 05,2021
Happy, Sad and angry at the same time. Truly insane because he can't control his own emotions. Smiling and crying at the same time but intent to kill anyone, trapped on his own mind and pain.   2 reply
28 05,2021
22 04,2021
I'm hoping to have two or three in the future, i personally like children but the larvae version of our species often confuse me to the max. I have twin gene in me because my grandfather's brother was a twin so i hope that i will have a twin too (kinda impossible though, just hoping for miracle)   reply
22 04,2021