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TheClassPresident's answer page 8 (154)

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Hey, I'm learning Japanese (I know hiragana and Katakana and a bit of kanji, basic phrases, some grammar rules here and there) I speak hindi, Urdu, assamese (I'm case some if y'all don't know these languages, they are Indian languages) and English.   reply
08 07,2021
Lmao bestie WHAT   reply
20 07,2021
Dude I literally am the "good kid" in other's eyes. My parents have beaten me enough I do not want to die this time. So of course I have to hide that I love yaoi.   2 reply
15 07,2021
I've had only 1 crushe in my life and I regret it. It was on a guy in 8th grade. I liked him a lot. But I didn't go an confess to him (not because I'm shy, but I have a giant ego and a fear of rejection) like everybody knew I had a crush on that guy. And he knew too. We went on a class trip to the mountains. The guy and I talked a lot during t......   reply
08 07,2021
I'm 12 (Nah just kidding)   reply
12 07,2021
OK so my parents are Hindu . My relationship with my parents isn't good. But they never really forced their religion on me. I can't say I'm an atheist. I don't really care about God and stuff. But I celebrate all festivals because it fun, not to mention the food tho. Like all the sweets I get too eat and I can chill on holidays at home and the mone......   reply
11 07,2021
I so bad at remembering faces. Like I can't distinguish faces well. I've always had this problem. But that's surprising because I have a good memory. In short I can recite the 100 digits of pi that I learned in 4th grade to flex in my classmates but I can't describe my mothers face to someone. This only happens with actual human faces I can recogni......   reply
10 07,2021
I ain't reading all of that...but yes I think so. Relationships are overrated. I get bored of people so easily. I'd rather just be alone then spend time with some person who I have no use of. I personally think platonic relationships are better than romantic one's.   reply
13 07,2021
Dude it's cringe asf...why tf do people want to have a god Complex and be psychopathic and shit. I had the "I'm better than all of you" complex in middle school and I regret it. I would legit go back in time and kill my middle school self.   reply
15 07,2021
about dating
Count me in dude   reply
13 07,2021
Their names are hilarious lol   reply
15 07,2021
Hey what's an album tour??   reply
20 07,2021
Oh I'm so happy for you...   reply
09 07,2021
about question
Lol this made me look white...i'm Asian, I just have green hazel eyes for some reason   reply
06 07,2021