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レイ♥'s question (3)

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for me i have.. i remember when i was around 9 i had a serious head injury and had the ambulance called. keep in mind i was bleeding like crazy and all i could remember was me blacking out- as soon as i blacked out i felt this sensation of people watching over me and just felt a lot of happiness and calmness idk how to explain it but i can tell you it was a relaxing feeling also heard voices of people around me im kind of convinced they were past relatives who passed away since i never heard them before but they kept saying my name then all of a sudden i came back to my senses and woke up finding myself in the ambulance on the way to the hospital i was in intense pain but also scared into what the fuck just happened.. im telling you i still remember it till this day.
18 05,2021
レイ♥ 23 05,2021
im tired of living any ways on how to kill your self without feeling pain ?
23 05,2021
uh so 2 years ago i was in 7th grade and this one guy whos older then me he was in 8th that time..i liked him but i never got the courage to tell him how i felt- we met again this year on discord and theres this gc that he has me on and with his friends but erm hes talking to one of the girls on the gc and that girl was my best friend in 7th grade we just started talking again ( the girl that the guy i like is talking too ) he told me hes not technically in a relationship with her but he said if he were to go in person to the school they were going have made it official and i feel so bad for liking him i dont know what to do - i want to tell him so bad but then again i feel like id fuck up our friendship...
23 05,2021