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kiki-kun's answer page 6 (114)

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might as well just be a woman if i'd look like this ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   reply
26 05,2021
here ~ (⌒▽⌒)/   1 reply
04 06,2021
ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
05 06,2021
penguins!!! i have a whole folder for them ~   reply
17 07,2021
totally not a self-insert haha~ camdyn and his living doll, kai   reply
18 07,2021
here~ this was a fun challenge!   reply
21 07,2021
she is a masochist   reply
18 07,2021
me the mc: (funny cause the one on the left looks a bit like me haha~) love rival: love interest: they're the same person 0o0 aaaand my love interest likes me back, mwah   1 reply
23 07,2021
i made myself~ well? am i simp worthy or not?~ (⌒◡⌒)   reply
18 07,2021
19 07,2021
sure~! dm me if you'd like (⌒▽⌒)   reply
19 07,2021
hanzawa masato, he's amazing~   1 reply
19 07,2021
here's my bucket list~ ~ learn to speak/understand thai ~ own a bookshelf full of manga/hua/hwa and art books ~ collect all volumes of one piece ~ learn to draw anatomy right ~ finish my novel and adaptate it to a manga and an anime ~ be my volleyball teams' libero ~ get a boyfriend T◡T   reply
19 07,2021