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mikan's answer page 2 (35)

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can't possibly choose one: MikaYuu (Owari no Seraph) Victuuri (Yuri on Ice) TodoDeku / BakuDeku / KiriBaku (BNHA) KageHina / DaiSuga / AsaNoya / IwaOi / KenHina / KuroKen and any other Haikyuu ship ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Heesu & Seungwo (Heesu in Class 2) Haebom & Taesung (Cherry Blossoms After Winter) Miyano & Sasaki (Sasaki to Miyano) Hyesung & Doji......   reply
24 10,2018
16 years old, female, Asian, high schooler, bisexual. just your average fujoshi not doing homework and reading yaoi day and night.   reply
10 02,2018
not exactly but i had to move a few months ago and i had to pack all my stuff into boxes so i tried to stealthily pack my BL books so that my family didn’t see but god was like SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER because after i had already left my family had to unpack those boxes and put them in smaller ones (thanks delivery company) so they most definitely h......   reply
07 12,2020
I don't remember my first ever fictional crush so... One of my TOP 10 crushes (lol) is England from Hetalia Axis Powers/World Twinkle etc. I just adore him. He's so cute and precious. Although most nations dislike him... I also like Spain from Hetalia~! He's so cute but HOT AF! I'll never forget those 2 cuties~~ ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
23 03,2017
well i'd just be a beta so...not much of a difference tbh(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   1 reply
18 03,2019
i added u on line already (sorry for the late reply!) ( ̄∇ ̄") ID: moni2408 (@Monicorn)   1 reply
05 12,2019
about penpals
hi~ my Line ID is moni2408! i would love to become friends with many fujoshis and fudanshis (cuz i got none irl). just wanna talk about yaoi and all that fun stuff ^^ we could all make a group chat (or maybe someone made it already?)   reply
27 03,2018
sishter shane is my trash queen. i stan so f*cking much.   reply
28 10,2018
1. uke 2. Ryohei Sasagawa (i don't even know who he is) 3. (of all things i could've gotten) boku no fucking pico 4. (page not found?) 5. the senpai 6. yuri squad (i rarely read yuri lol) 7. ass slapping/grabbing 8. Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn 9. no.5 on 'top 10 dirty minded signs' so i actually searched up Ryohei Sasagawa and...okay WORK he actu......   reply
29 05,2019
well i started off reading BL when i still didn’t know what my own sexuality was. i’ve realized i’m bi a few years ago, i still read BL for entertainment purposes, many stories have made me happy or cry or something. of course i’ve seen some questionable stories as well. but i think as long as you don’t harm anyone in the process of read......   2 reply
29 04,2020
about penpals
also introverted and shy but loves yaoi. would love to have another fujoshi friend to talk to! my line id: moni2408 (what if we made a group chat full of fujoshis/fudanshis?)   2 reply
05 11,2018
about penpals
28 03,2018
i hope it's not too late to join the party ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ my line id: moni2408 i hope to make some friends to talk about anime and manga^^   1 reply
28 03,2018
about penpals
i see you're an intellectual since you like the same things as me lol. i'd love to talk about kpop and current mangas we're reading! my line ID is moni2408   reply
05 11,2018
well my first yaoi anime was Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and Junjou Romantica. if i remember correctly nothing TOO graphic happened there. i forgot my first explicit/detailed yaoi manga, whether or not it had smutty scenes, i think i was just shocked speechless XD. A whole new world appeared before me and now its impossible to turn back (⊙…⊙ ) i st......   2 reply
23 12,2017