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Sleepy...'s answer page 3 (88)

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01 08,2023
I envy you... I'm still in school. get this GET THIS. my summer break this year is 3 FUCKING WEEKS. THREE. WHO WHY HOW. I cry at night. I mean at least I get to go overseas n shit this year so I'm not complaining that much but ong why did I take honors like shit keeps on getting harder year after year WHY IN THE WORLD DID I THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA......   1 reply
01 08,2023
This is my dyslexic nihgtmare to look at..   reply
03 03,2024
This is the type of thing a stoner writes thinking it's the pinical of lore and a classic masterpiece and goes like: after finishing writing it. This feels like a cursed sonicuu child but with mario and I am not here for it..   reply
10 02,2024
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All I have to say is, fuck them kids. Deletus that mother fucking fetus.   1 reply
12 01,2024
I am 100% sure I have lost it.   1 reply
07 12,2023
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Ugly. Nvm I'm feeling hot as shit.   reply
04 12,2023
HELP. WHAT. WHY THE FUCK DO I EVEN HAVE THIS SS ISTG I DO NOT REMEMBER TAKING THIS???(Whatever I was on I might need it again I wanna forget whatever that is) kms.   1 reply
07 12,2023
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Somehow completing more then 60 assignments in 2 days. (130+ left to go and 4 more days Yippie!!) I've been pushing out quizzes, tests, projects, and like everything under the sun like I'm the fucking terminator comming out of not being able to finish more then 2 for like a week straight. LITERALLY HOWW???????   1 reply
12 01,2024
I just crunch in the lesson(s) that I need to rememeber and then chuck it aside and that's basically just a loop for me. I only study when I have a test on shit I need to remember specific dates and formulas for. When you have stoner memory but don't do drugs   reply
12 01,2024
I'm suprised I haven't dropped dead yet. (No joke I've been awake for about 7 days straight and I've only had naps here and there that are like 1-3 hours at max. Shits crazy rn.) Real fotage of me taking a nap mid day knowing I have to pretend to be a funtioning member of society in 10 minutes: Also me predenting to be a functioning member ......   reply
21 12,2023
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Being completely honest would give some people nightmares istg I'm always up to see the sun rise and set then I usually go to sleep at around 5-9am(or never) and wake up around 6-11am. So if I'm really lucky and get some little power naps in I usually sleep about 1-5 hours everyday. I usually study through the night n shit (after studying and wor......   reply
28 02,2024
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I don't read much, tbh my dyslexic Nero divergent ass could NEVER. In my free time if I'm for some reason crazed enough to start reading an actual book it's eather a short murder mystery, a cook book, a mix of the two, or toad and frog books with large text, short stories, and pictures because I need accommodations to read books wo breaking down.......   3 reply
10 02,2024
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A coffing looks like a cool new dress for me right about now ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ I'm sick rn and my online academy (torture) has the smallest break in the world and I won't even be able to take it off, I'll be WORKINGGGGG (hehehehe ^V^) I already got my christmas gift which was a big ass one but bc I have adhd I've emotionally already moved on ......   1 reply
22 12,2023
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NOTHINGGGGG (I forgor)   reply
08 02,2024
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DAMNN we're 79% with 15 artists in common️   1 reply
04 03,2024
I have a few but only like a third of them are yaoi. RFCWIDXSO Literally such fucking pretty ass art istg. ......   reply
22 12,2023
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04 01,2024
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This took so much out of me to post!!!(I drew this on like Microsoft paint or smt when I was drunk as shit.️️ Seriously why though.) NAW JK THIS IS ME POOKIES Ik I'm handsome bbgs no need to tell me ️   reply
03 03,2024
-How does having ADHD effect your daily life? Horribly️ I'm on the high maintenance side of ADHD but the rather low maintenance side of autism. Sometimes it's super hard to do things most people do because I'm either overstretching myself and so all over the place I almost can't function or I'm so side tracked or overwhelmed I can't really do ......   3 reply
03 03,2024