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نعسان's answer page 4 (183)

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Asheiji and renga   reply
21 07,2021
who in the fuck put sand in the cooler???   reply
21 07,2021
Other sites exist ig, but even if those go down then I'll just finally get a life or smth idk   reply
07 07,2021
19 07,2023
no bc I remember in like 2016 everyone was talking about how the FDA teamed up with major cereal companies to use styrofoam so they could sell it to more people esp those with allergies. Tbh cereal itself is a whole conspiracy not j the styrofoam ordeal.   1 reply
19 07,2023
02 06,2021
Good luck.   reply
02 06,2021
about question
Sure, do you have discord? Also I'm really awkward so uh TT btw if y'all want me to make a gc then DM me ur discord (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   2 reply
10 06,2021
about question
to be able to report/flag stuff   reply
19 07,2023
about question
Have fun?   2 reply
10 06,2021
about question
The highest is about 55-57c and the lowest is -17c   2 reply
22 07,2021
about question
Ima get a TON of hate for this but I hate all might & lida from MHA with a burning passion, I also hate Adam from sk8 the infinity and Hisoka from HXH   5 reply
29 05,2021
here's my advice sort them out by how much they add to your grade, prioritize the ones that give you more points, try doing about 10-20 assignments per day, yeah that's a lot but if you do 20 assignments per day and spend about an hour doing them then you'll have about 4 hours of sleep, I doubt that every assignment will take an hour sooooo, like I......   reply
18 05,2021
about question
Ah so this is the reason why people are so afraid of the internet   reply
10 07,2021
about question
Fire   reply
07 07,2021
about question
No.   reply
02 06,2021
15 07,2021
I'm going back inside   reply
15 07,2021
math homework? ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
21 05,2021
mhm, but make sure not to take that back when u actually see my beautiful face alr?   reply
21 07,2021
I'd rather live in another planet or my grave   reply
21 07,2021
about lmao
Baam from tog   reply
17 06,2021