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RaikouAkuma's answer page 2 (26)

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Hmm, would that mean they'd be straight then?! So they won't end up with whomever their partner was in the manga? We can't have that!!!! (/TДT)/ I think I'll hold back and reserve all my hotness for someone else then (Even if it pains me so) ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
27 03,2017
Me too! ID: RaikouAkuma   reply
25 03,2020
Me too! ID: RaikouAkuma#9568   1 reply
25 03,2020
Hmm well, that depends on how you would define 'cheating.' Some would consider just hanging out with the opposite sex as cheating or acting overly familiar. I supposed it wouldn't count as cheating unless there are feelings involved. If my partner had sex with someone else I don't think it'd be considered cheating since it was just physical. ╮(�......   4 reply
30 04,2017
If you're still adding Raikouakuma #9568 (=・ω・=)   reply
19 02,2019
Badass Uke but I personally think I'd be more of a tsundere uke like Taiga from Toradora but most likely worse ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
01 04,2017