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Abby's answer (17)

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18 08,2023
Move to 4chan with your misogynistic bullsh!t. We don't need or want your stupid opinion.   reply
18 08,2023
Y'all are very peculiar... I just put my damn nickname   2 reply
26 days
Harems!!!!!!!!11!!11 Ooh don't even get me started..! I've never seen a non-toxic harem. And most of the girls in the harem only exist for the male lead and nothing else. The plot would be the same without them. They only exist to please 32-year-old basement dwellers or teen boys going through puberty   3 reply
27 04,2024
about question
Middle school...   1 reply
20 03,2024
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So it all started when I was a girl in the village doing alright :/ Then I became a princess overnight, now I have to figure out how to do it right. There was so much to learn and see. :(   1 reply
12 04,2024
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I got a Lego set and food poisoning (⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
25 12,2023
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29 03,2024
Hallo :D   reply
29 03,2024
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23 03,2024
I miss inside thoughts!   reply
23 03,2024
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That's a form of grooming, and telling you that your nails are too long lol. Animals keep their nails short by chewing and biting. (=・ω・=)   1 reply
11 04,2024
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Too many.   reply
27 07,2023
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Cheaters, rapists, pedophiles, piece of shit old men who think they have a right to govern what we do when they are literally on their deathbeds, men, trump, other old men (I can't say who or I'll end up on a hit list), and finally, people who like to influence bad habits on an innocent person.   1 reply
04 08,2023
My eyes! (=・ω・=)   reply
20 04,2024
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I ate raw butter, books, wrappers, baby lotion, a penny, and more! (=・ω・=)   reply
02 04,2024
I've never asked anyone out before. Hope this helps! (⌒▽⌒)   reply
20 03,2024
Plz I beg you guys to focus on one story at once or at least go to your recents and click the chapter you left off on ┗( T﹏T )┛   reply
23 03,2024
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Genetics and lack of moisture in my skin. My skin is naturally dry af which seems like a blessing to some people but it's a little annoying when I flake up.(⊙…⊙ )   reply
20 03,2024
As someone who is 19 and chronically online, no. (=・ω・=)   reply
05 04,2024