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Black Lavender's answer page 1 (92)

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Otome isekais where female leads reincarnate and end up with the male lead who treated them like shit and ignore the second way lead who are healthy green flags...The reason: first male lead was brainwashed by the villains...   1 reply
17 10,2023
Andrew Tate deserves to stay in jail forever. If anybody supports him, they never gonna hear from me ever again. Misogynists like him should become a woman for years and suffer the most excruciating period pains and give birth to a child, without caesarian, of course. He should be made an example out of so other misogynists learn and throw away the......   1 reply
25 09,2023
I have not eaten proper dinner as of writing this post. So I am craving some nice comfy rice meals which I list below. A meal that brings nostalgia hmmm... As someone who has traveled to many places, there are a lot of dishes that hold nostalgic meaning for me. I am an extreme foodie with lots of favourites so I will mention that the one nostalgic......   1 reply
25 10,2023
Okay so unnecessary opinion from me but I am someone who is not into jjk at all. Just seen a few clips here and there, and I know Gojo is very popular and I like his character. So when I saw this post, I was very shocked and am still in disbelief. There's no way the author would kill off a popular character like that and most of the times when they......   reply
21 09,2023
Tandoori chicken, fish curry, Maggi noodles. I'm hungry lol.   3 reply
10 03,2021
Good attempt in trying to recreate that legendary thing about "y'all remember we cut our pubes and mix it together with sugar and honey and eat it?" Too bad it failed because it got lost in x and y.   1 reply
20 09,2023
You could have chosen to tell him to stop directly. If he decided to ignore and made fun of you despite that, then you wanting to get back at him is valid. From the sound of it, it did seem like you were good friends for a while. And while you were friends, you could have brought it up at any point and let him know how bad you felt when he made fu......   1 reply
14 09,2023
about question
Your lists are disappearing? It could honestly be a bug which happened to a few people sometimes but those lists returned after a few hours/days.   reply
14 10,2023
about question
Not much but here you go   1 reply
17 08,2023
I want to cry but I don't so I hold it in. Lost hope in everything, began to hate everyone including myself, I wish I had the ability to change my appearance and personality based on age and gender, my mental health is crap and I have nobody to talk to because I don't trust anyone anymore. Questioning whether I'm sane or insane and have cut off con......   1 reply
24 02,2021
I have many many many many favourite characters from many series, but for now I'll mention two from my favourite game HSR. I also happen to like all the wind men too. 1. Dan Heng He's such a sweetie, don't let his poker face fool you. I don't dislike him but spoilers: I dislike his previous incarnation. Bonus: he has a dragon form. 2. Kafka ......   2 reply
05 09,2023
about crying
Praise the Lord! I felt empty and hopeless, so I put myself into work, tried reading manga from other sites, it wasn't the same, such quality danggit! Also, mangago is a gooood good source of yaoi and I needed the dose. Not having the dose makes me abnormal. Lemme tell you a small incident that happened today. Apparently I use an insect killer t......   reply
16 03,2021
Naur why you do this to me? I have too many favourites and it's hard to choose only one... Okay I'll try to post only one then. I mean one dish but different variants lol. The first is prawn rava fry (that is, prawns fried with semolina) Second is prawn koliwada Now don't be fooled, both may be fried prawns but they are hella delish, you can ......   1 reply
07 10,2023
about question
Another image spam, without proper context and too lazy to explain. Those who know, know. I'm quite old wow. I wish I could post a part 2 because I exceeded the limit, sigh. Certainly went down the memory lane for this lol xD   3 reply
08 10,2023
Well, I-....I stole Melissa's pics from another question so...   1 reply
21 02,2021
Congratulations, you have managed to piss off the entire continent of Asia. Maybe you have skill issue with cooking rice. I hope you end up in a situation where you are forced to eat rice and appreciate its goodness the hard way.   reply
07 09,2023
about question
Where have you been all my life?! Thank you for this message! I needed that because I've been beating myself over it for YEARS! But anyhoo, this is a great lesson for all! (And also a lesson to not share everything with anyone) :)   1 reply
19 06,2021
I hope your ass is okay because it must hurt while you dump   1 reply
28 09,2023
Momos and Samosas!   reply
11 11,2023
about question
My university has a rule for group projects to have 4 members. The 4th member was an absolute psychopath whom I've had beef with for 4 years, she intentionally applied to be part of mine because I was a pushover back then. We went to the staff to request a change and they said they would consider. However on the last day, the staff betrayed us and ......   1 reply
12 09,2023