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Yourdirtywhore's answer page 52 (1025)

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Ummm i actual like both but prefer action more   reply
23 07,2021
My brain is not working- what?...   reply
09 07,2021
Major Depression: High-Moderate Dysthymia: High Bipolar Disorder: High-Moderate Cyclothymia: Moderate Seasonal Affective Disorder: Extremely High Postpartum Depression: N/A Here is mine... so do have depressions?   reply
06 07,2021
22 07,2021
You must have been born on a highway cause that's where most accidents happen,little trick ass bitch you're so fake even barbie is jealous so shut your stupid ass dusty filthy mouth up. Yk what it makes no sense to insult you because you are already an insult to the world you trick ass bitch   reply
22 07,2021
about question
09 07,2021
Do i look like-   reply
09 07,2021