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Dewii's answer (4)

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when they are men   reply
09 01,2024
jumped over the lake thinking it wasn't deep. it was. almost drowned to death. ran across the street in the middle of the night cus i was scared of a guy in the road. almost got hit over by a motorcycle.   1 reply
08 01,2024
about question
pick a struggle   reply
16 02,2024
about question
when they spend the whole story for the ml and mc just for the mc to end up with someone else. like why bother giving them the entire screen time, entire description and revolve the story around the both of them just to go boom! they don't get together?? you might think we'd go, "oh, that's such a good plot twist" but no, it's just fcking annoying.......   reply
01 01,2024