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LilTinyVamp's answer page 2 (43)

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about question
It’s not really about being fetishistic. Most people are normal and consider pedophilia and incest disgusting. It’s just that for both situations it’s horrible when they are the same sex but absolutely devastating if it’s a male and female because there’s a chance of pregnancy. Just think about it. Pregnancy as the result of pedophillia o......   reply
31 05,2021
about question
4 years - been here since April 2017. I specifically remember coming here when MangaFox was going to absolute shit. It’s been great on here   1 reply
24 05,2021
Because I’m an otaku and am only interested in anime/video games characters (also I don’t like getting close to real people). Until I start really looking at guys, I’m not interested in losing my virginity to a 3D person. What’s the rush? I’m fine for now   reply
26 04,2018
First yaoi was Sex Pistols like 10ish yrs ago. I found it trying to search for the band. I got into Junjou Romantica later cuz I heard it was the best yaoi anime (I still think so). Then I got into Junko, Nekota Yonezou, and Mishima Kazuhiko   1 reply
10 05,2020
Ignore them, don’t respond (it’ll just feed their bloodlust), just keep doing what you like. People need to mind their business, you’re not doing anything wrong. As long as you can separate reality from fiction and don’t fetishize real people it’s okay. But do reflect sometimes, so you don’t forget the line between reality and fiction   reply
07 07,2020
1) I don't actually wish to become a gay man so I can't say exactly. I've thought about it a few times as a sexual fantasy to dominate a man. I imagine some people wish to fulfill that fantasy. But I can do that as a woman too if I found the right guy (that's kinda embarrassing tho). Some girls think it'd be easier just being a man in general. Mayb......   1 reply
24 12,2019
It seems normal for you. I'm 18, haven't had a boyfriend, and don't really plan to get one anytime soon. Personally, I think relationships are a hassle for me. Just don't get one cuz it's normal, get one when ya feel like seriously trying to find love. If ya get a boyfriend just to have one, what's the point? Just don't worry about, you're fine as ......   3 reply
17 09,2017
I got two, both doujinshis: one is Kanpai Dj Unapai. Actually I think it’s kinda funny but I also really regret seeing a gun being fired in a guy’s ass and through his head... The other is this JoJo doujin of Jotaro x Joseph. I think it’s an excellent manga for being just a doujinshi but I regret reading it cuz...... I really liked it and fee......   reply
24 06,2020
From the US. Stores run outta toilet paper, any medical supplies (masks, sanitizer, gloves), frozen food, canned food, and especially water. At some of my stores they’re even limiting people to 1 gallon or 1 pack of water bottles a day. Wtf is up with the toilet paper shortage? We still have half a 12pk from last year. Each roll lasts a long whil......   reply
25 03,2020
Definitely S When I read yaoi, I feel that desire to bully and tease the uke until they cry and beg, it’s so cute and erotic   3 reply
20 03,2018
I’m going on 8 years and still love it. I’ve read so many I stopped counting, but I always know what my favorites are. A year or two back, I thought I was getting tired of yaoi since some plots seem repetitive, but I always end up finding something different and interesting every month (sometimes every day or week). It’s the greatest ( ^ω^ )   reply
03 07,2018
My mom and some of my best friends. Mom’s cool and some of my friends read too. It was the worst when a guy in class saw me reading a manga online and called me a big pervert that likes gay stuff and told a few others (it never came up again but it was kinda scary). It was hard to tell my one guy friend after that, but he was okay since he watche......   reply
07 08,2018
LilTinyVamp 29 08,2023
Here’s something shoegazy, emo, alt-rock even: THE ANDS. Find em on YouTube, Spotify, & SoundCloud. Recommend trying Pine Baron, Parallel, Ghost of You, Euphoria. Inside Out, After All, and Arlequin are songs they did for the game Slow Damage.   reply
29 08,2023
My first beloved was Ikuto from Shugo Chara. He’s cute, charming, mysterious, and a cat boi~ =^w^= I think when I was 12 I wished I could meet a guy like him when I’m older. Well here I am, in college, and still haven’t found my Ikuto. Maybe someday... Ikuto is still my number one but I still have a few runner ups. There’s Sebastian from B.......   reply
07 06,2018
We used to take buncha straws from Starbucks to reuse at home. After maybe 2 uses they’d be all chewed up. Some have survived though   reply
03 10,2020
Straight. I've had crushes on boys at school, but most guys I'm really attracted to are in video games and anime (I mean, look at em)   2 reply
08 01,2019
I practice a lot for interviews, but that would throw me off so hard. All I would have to say is, " like what you see?" Followed by, "so you come here often?"   reply
05 04,2024
For Yaoi, probably too young because of the sex scenes and some other adult issues. Well, I was in the same boat and started at 11 and now I’m almost 19 so yeah... I’d say as long as you recognize it’s not realistic and enjoy what you read, then you’ll be fine. Also pace yourself. Don’t read all the good ones all at once, you’ll spend t......   1 reply
13 02,2018
I’m not comfortable with it. I’ve read a buncha Minami Haruka stuff which looks shota-y but I always kinda thought it was okay since they’re not actually children. Now when ya get into like the sexual preteens and younger, uh uh, nope! I can’t read some Harada stuff. Seems like she writes about like the terribleness of pedophillia (maybe) b......   2 reply
16 02,2019
V-Venom, the villain, but from Spider-Man 3   reply
30 01,2021