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LilTinyVamp's answer page 3 (43)

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I’m what you might call a “gamer girl”. Ah, but those don’t exist, so therefore I don’t exist and I should just commit game end right now ( X ︿ X ) I’m kidding. But yeah, I just like playing by myself like rpgs, horror, character action   1 reply
21 03,2020
about question
LilTinyVamp 25 04,2021
In the past the DrakenNier fandom was really nice, although a bit fucked up, but that’s how we like it. I’m not sure now since the games got mainstream. More toxic and superficial people are part of the fandom, but the nice dedicated fans are still cool   reply
25 04,2021
I almost hate Omegaverse BUT, I’ll actually enjoy it if they’re human-animal hybrids. The rape, uncontrollable hormones and alpha/beta/omega thing just seems weird or wrong to me unless they’re part animal. I dunno, it just doesn’t seem appealing unless it be like that. So I really liked Castehate, Kedamono Arashi, Yagi to Ookami (not so mu......   reply
23 12,2019