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scoups_wife's answer (8)

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about question
scoups_wife 10 days
I love seventeen with my whole life   reply
10 days
literally the most basic looking   reply
21 days
about question
Have a colorie deficit of around 1400 calories a day but watch what you eat more protein less fat and carbs more fibres and fruits avoid unhealthy sweet and fried foods Work out everyday you can do pilates at home another thing is to drink lots of water around 3 liter a day and take care of yourself be persistent and determined with your goals it's......   reply
18 04,2024
about dating
similar but not as cool haha I'm INTJ BTW   reply
18 days
The country that eats all kinds of animals and ccp propaganda   reply
05 05,2024
about question
nevermind the blush I was in rush   reply
02 01,2024
Fermented fish which is traditional dish, duck meat, pork fats and bitter gourd   reply
06 01,2024