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iwai's answer (4)

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about question
iwai 27 11,2023
the way these guys got way more hype than the main couples was real… i love hyper/cute x cool/chill and i just wasn’t super into the mc the way the author should’ve intended   2 reply
27 11,2023
about question
characters that have a parent and child dynamic and end up falling in love, it’s so fucking disgusting even if they’re not necessarily related by blood   reply
26 11,2023
about question
i want to start working out, get a new job, save for a new place, practice anatomy/shading, make more fanart, and get out of my lazy era. im trying to do hot girl shit   reply
31 12,2023
i need him oiled up twerking butt booty naked on my face   3 reply
18 12,2023