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SAN's answer (16)

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"Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes."   3 reply
06 01,2024
Regressor instructional manual like damn, his villainy is chef kiss! I can never have enough of him; he's my idol, my inspiration, and my guardian spirit!   reply
04 01,2024
about question
In my family's culture, we worship a demon as God (similar to loki), but no, we're not satanic, and I'm an atheist inclined towards Tao, born into a family that built a temple just few years ago lmao Honestly, I'm so glad they don't seem bothered by me being an atheist, though it's mainly because our family God is just too chill.   1 reply
06 01,2024
so anyone up for a debate? i will still win. — said by an entp.   reply
04 04,2024
04 01,2024
Me: Love Rival: Love Interest: LESS than 50% haha - I lose!!! Yayy!! I'm grateful I don't need to involve myself with them cuz they're freakin nightmare incarnations !   1 reply
04 01,2024
Um I can relate to that girl and why I'm ok with bls but not gls is because I personally am not a bisexual or lesbian...I can be demisexual inclined towards straight so I wouldn't know the feeling of loving a girl sexually and wouldn't even consider them as love interest so I can't read gl because I can't get to feel the true nature of them while w......   1 reply
27 10,2023
SAN 07 01,2024
Why is it still not back?   reply
07 01,2024
about question
I was told I look like maki without glasses so yeah mai seems accurate   reply
29 12,2023
Malleus Draconia's Wife   1 reply
12 01,2024
about question
it's prolly because my songs almost have every genre possible   reply
04 03,2024
about question
SAN 04 03,2024
exactly what I imagined there should've been little more red but nvm   reply
04 03,2024
Yum tastes like pork ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   reply
04 01,2024
BONES : I hate bones, so I avoid all fish with bones except 1 or 2, like sharks, and 2 types of catfish (flesh or a jelly type organ part) idk cuz mum feeds me those stuff and some fish just smells so nasty!! Also sometimes when I get powder bones in my chicken curry, I feel like throwing up. I am not able to eat further, no matter how tasty my mum......   reply
07 01,2024
Cola because Pepsi is too strong for my nose as far as I remember.   reply
03 01,2024
Zoetrope by Nagi Yanagi from amnesia & Hitosume wa ai from doremon steel troops movie!   reply
24 12,2023