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Ray's answer page 1 (70)

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Okay I'm ready for that shot tho   reply
20 02,2021
I'd wanna be the villainess   1 reply
18 02,2021
about question
In 8th grade I told one of my friends that I liked this boy i sat next to in my science class and after school we just happened to see him in the hallway on our way out of school and she yelled "oh that's the boy you like" and pointed at him. He was looking over at us and the my friend decided she was gonna go up to him and ask him if he could help......   1 reply
24 05,2021
17 03,2021
Heres mine ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ~ ♡   reply
17 03,2021
07 05,2021
Me and my bestfriend cause I'm super gay for her I'm the small one btw   reply
07 05,2021
about question
  1 reply
06 01,2021
about your pets
29 11,2023
here's my cat Jazz. She doesn't understand the concept of sitting on someone's lap. She's doing her best tho   reply
29 11,2023
about question
I drew my main on genshin impact on a potato. For a post on hoyovers   reply
22 11,2023
about question
02 05,2021
"What do you mean you don't love me?..."   reply
02 05,2021
Me and my bestfriend   reply
12 05,2021
about question
Haha yeah   reply
14 07,2021
My serial killer and his victim   reply
06 05,2021
about question
27 04,2021
Like this   reply
27 04,2021
about question
I may be bisexual but I'm also forever bi myself :,)   reply
17 07,2021
I like to draw random things and I have 3 cats Dilfs, Dilfs are my type   reply
01 06,2021
18 06,2021
Yeahhh. I shaved my head so this is close enough.   1 reply
18 06,2021
I just wanted to come home and have some peace and quiet for once... but of course Dan just has to be here.   reply
29 11,2023
I wasnt sure what background to use soo.   reply
03 03,2021