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Tinfoil's answer page 5 (86)

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Sometimes i do, I read tamen de gushi every once in a while, but I don't think I'm allowed to read explicit gl anymore, since I'm transmasc now :P   2 reply
15 08,2023
im getting curious I might join just to see   2 reply
22 12,2023
about question
This reminds me of that one lovelypeaches livestream comment   1 reply
08 11,2023
16 02,2024
I feel ya about that, I used to be just ace for a year till I gaslight myself into being fully aroace and somehow it worked   1 reply
16 02,2024
about question
Id take this to the grave, DAMN. Who's fr jorking it to Terence   reply
03 03,2024
I don't like to have too much on my plate, so I don't get burnt out.. maybe like 1 or 2 a week, 3 if I'm lucky   1 reply
10 08,2023