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joufflues's answer (4)

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Chubby :) the worst manga website name ive seen has gotta be "toiletterrorist" i actually lose my mind when i see it   1 reply
17 days
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i cannot stress this enough: jinx and lucky paradise. these are the worst.   2 reply
15 days
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is it wish to say farewell??? (or whatever the name is, something with like, "i bid you adieu")   1 reply
01 01,2024
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yeah idk ab all that butterflies and blushing, but! I do know that a crush isnt really like "omg jeremy is coming this way! teehee" its more like "oh jeremy is here, ill go over there to him" its not "omg i totally messed up in front of jeremy" its "oh shit, jeremy probably hates me im so stupid, I should leave" its not "jeremy looks so cute toda......   1 reply
6 days