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Richie Rich's experience (2)

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I've just reached the end of my college, just waiting for graduation, and I realize that I'm terribly exhausted. I know I've been tired of this college for a long time, but now it all come crashing down on me now that it's all about to end, like all the fatigue finally circulates my body after all the times of fighting it so that I can get up in th......   1 reply
20 05,2018
If strictly speaking, then my first yaoi was a Naruto x Sasuke x Sai dj whose title I did not bother reading anymore and because it was in Spanish I translated it myself using Google Translate (≧∀≦) But my first proper yaoi (in proper english translations and whose title I read and remembered) is Ikoku Irokoi Romantan. I came across the anim......   reply
29 05,2018