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Ray's answer page 1 (36)

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about crying
16 03,2021
fact ! those dumbfucks keep exposing this site they should stfu and use some braincells tho i doubt they have any .   reply
16 03,2021
so i tried this is main character her name is astria she was adopted into mafia and that why she is not pretty much girly and this her boyfriend he is favorite one s boss . he kill people and run household if boss is absent and this is villain unknown identity but his f......   1 reply
04 03,2021
lmao a lot with daddy issues here it is not myth   reply
28 06,2021
freaks exist everywhere with their nasty fetish especially people who defend kinks and filthy acts   reply
20 04,2021
why we don t make group for us all here , it awesome being group of friends sharing our hobbies (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ my discord id is 91snowleopard #6489 and i like mangas and animes and movies , comic etc   1 reply
19 03,2020
there many but i can t put them all   2 reply
29 06,2020
about question
05 05,2021
lmao this shit is funny   reply
05 05,2021
well   reply
26 02,2021
I want to be handsome and hot seme because i love semes and they are good looking   reply
07 08,2017
genderfluid   1 reply
20 04,2021
about question
28 04,2021
28 04,2021
05 11,2020
30 10,2020
wtf did happend   2 reply
30 10,2020
the villain   reply
20 04,2021
about love
unable to love   reply
23 04,2020
Some retards said that we should start calling women birth person /folk. Or breastfeeding person. So trans and non binary Don't get offended   reply
05 07,2020
you know you are gonna get a lot of wet bitches here triggered ? as you see scums are everywhere on internet exactly on this website   2 reply
18 03,2021
i would like to join but i don t have kik app i only have facebook ╥﹏╥ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
06 07,2019
same problem i always can t get up from my chair to do one hour running ( ̄へ ̄)(╯°Д °)╯╧╧   2 reply
22 06,2019