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Ramen's answer (6)

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Ramen 22 08,2023
I look like the woman who you saw in your mom's room last night (^_^;)   3 reply
22 08,2023
Ramen 06 01,2024
Dude why ain't I seeing any enhyphen fans hereeee enhyphen is my number one and then txt and skz and recently ateez I mean I've been listening to crazy form on repeat since it came out to this day (≧∀≦) like it's so goood(>﹏   1 reply
06 01,2024
about question
I can speak English, gujrari (language from india), and am currently learning japanese, Arabic and French. Japanese is really pleasing to listen to and I find Arabic hard.   reply
23 08,2023
Honestly, I found deku to be really annoying, and generic, just another kind hearted 'i want to save everyone' type, who everyone likes, and plus the villains are made out to be bad people, but the villains became like that because of certain reasons. Also I hate how the 'power of friendship' solves everything, and it just got repetitive after a wh......   reply
04 09,2023
Kiss kaeya, marry wriothestley, kill diluc that mf made me lose my first 50/50 on rizzleys banner Kiss shenhe, marry clorinde, kill yae miko (got her dumb weapon instead of yoimiyas) I'm still bitter about that   reply
27 12,2023
about question
Ramen 29 07,2023
... You do not wanna know But I'll tell you anyways. I think like 13 idk is that young? And it was actually a manga so I technically read it. But yeah that's it ig.   1 reply
29 07,2023